Teeth Whitening Kit Teeth whitening at home- 3 PCS 10 ml Syringes With Mouth Trays,Remineralizing and Reduces Teeth Sensitivity After Teeth Whitening Treatment
Easyinsmile Teeth Whitening Kit Teeth whitening at home- 3 PCS 10 ml Syringes With Mouth Trays,Remineralizing and Reduces Teeth Sensitivity After Teeth Whitening Treatment
Range of Application:
Exogenous stains caused by smoke,tea,cola,coffee,etc.
Endogenous stains caused by tetracycline pigmentation tooth,denttal flucorosis,plaque teeth,or other unknow reasons.
1.Clean mouth tray and try it,then gently brush your teeth with toothpaste and rinse with water. Take off the plastic bag of battery,and insert battery into teeth whitening light.Plese put the battery"+""-"right to the mini light .
2.Attach mouth tray with teeth whitening light.
3.Apply 1/4 dyringr of whitening gel into each side of mouth tray ,apply just enough to coat the frontal surface of your teeth to be whitened but not your gums.
4.Place the mouth tray over your teeth.Wipe off any gel that in contact with your gums.
5.Press the start button to enter into a 10 minutes countdown,close your mouth to fix the tray.
6.The light will turn off automatically at the end ,then remove the mouth tray.
7.Rinse your teeth with warm water,then take off the mouth tray from the whitening light, and clean it.
8.Repeat this whitening prodedure for 6 consecutive days .
Tips :
Use the enclosed professional teeth shade guide to monitor your progress.
This teeth whitening systems is most efficient if treatments are done consecutively.
You may whiten your teeth for up to 12 consecutively days .
Whitening treatment of over 2 times per day is not recommended.