($10.28 10)
Control - The reciprocating technology means that it will only shape the canal when pressure is applied, giving you the feeling of complete control.
Strength- The M-Wire Nickel-Titanium technology provides overall flexibility and resistance to cyclic fatigue, the leading cause of file separation.
X-ONE Rotary Files Specification:
1. Control - The reciprocating technology means that it will only shape the canal when pressure is applied, giving you the feeling of complete control.
2. Simplicity - W-one also simplifies the procedure, in most cases requiring just one NiTi instrument per root canal treatment.
3. Strength- The M-Wire Nickel-Titanium technology provides overall flexibility and resistance to cyclic fatigue, the leading cause of file separation. In fact, the tougher the instrumenting challenge, like shaping severely curved to the apex, the more apparent the M-Wire NiTi’s advantages become.
X-ONE Rotary Files Packing List:
Small File 1 PCS
Primary File 1 PCS
Large File 1 PCS
* Explore the canal by using #10, or #15 stainless steel hand files
* Irrigate, then expand a glide path by C C- - PATH FILE #12.5, or #15, or#20.
* In the presence of an irrigant, initiate shaping procedures starting with the Primary W-ONE file (RED)..
* Since most canals are between 9 and 15 mm in length, use a gentle inward motion, with short 1- - 2 mm amplitude strokes, until it does not easily progress anymore.
* It is important to withdraw the Primary W-ONE file every 3mms to remove the debris and inspect its cutting flutes. Irrigate, re-capitulate with a #10 K File and irrigate again.
* Repeat Steps 4 and 5, two to three times until final working length has been achieved with the Primary W-ONE file.
* Methods for confirming the finished shape may include: 1) Checking if the apical flutes of the file are loaded with dentine. Irrigate, recapitu-late with a #10 K File and re-irrigate. 2) Gauge the size of the foramen with an ISO hand file that has the same diameter as the Primary V-TAPER? ONE file carried to working length. If the gauging hand file is snug at length, the preparation is finished. If the gauging file is loose at length, generally use a Large W-ONE file (DARK GREEN) to finish the preparation.
* In very rare cases you need to select the Small W-ONE file (YELLOW) if the Primary W-ONE file (25/08, RED) will not readily advance to the desired length. Use this Small W-ONE file to either initially or fully shape the apical one-third
Easyinsmile wire is a special heat-treated wire which be used for producing Endodontic rotary files.
As we know, stainless steel instruments are rigid and therefore unsuited for large apical enlargement in thin curved canals. NiTi alloys
have superior properties in ductility, fatigue, recoverable strain, biocompatibility, and corrosion resistance. However, NiTi files present a
higher risk of unnoticed fracture inside canals, contrary to stainless steel files that often present visible signs of plastic deformation.
Easyinsmile Wire is a developed NiTi alloy, which ideally have excellent mechanical strength properties, and its flexibility is enough to avoid canal transportation, meanwhile its hardness is large enough to allow for good cutting efficacy.
Easyinsmile Wire offers 3 levels of flexibility for choice, which depends on their crystallographic phases present in the alloy. They are: